Wednesday, May 10, 2017

365 Creative Writing Prompts: Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

It has been 12 days. They still have not noticed that I am haunting them. I'm running out of ideas; I mean, how original can a ghost be? It's all been done before, and nothing is working. They never look up from their phones long enough to see objects moving "on their own." They don't turn down the music or the videos quiet enough to hear the chains rattling or things going bump in the night. Not even my cold spots make a difference: they just shiver and move on.

I'm going to change my tactics. Instead of acting like a ghost, I'm going to act like one of them. I will sit at their table and eat breakfast cereal with them. I will sit between them on the couch while they play games on their tablets. I will join them in the shower. I will take out the garbage with them. I will sing along to their songs.

And if that doesn't work, I could always play with the power lines and the cell phone towers. Bring it on, humans. This is war.

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